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“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response”

Viktor E. Frankl

I have a wide range of experience, but my speciality is in the continuum of addiction, compulsivity or the various forms of striving, perfection, reward or control that manifest in people’s lives. I work directly with individuals who have concerns around their substance or alcohol use or process addictions such as food, gambling, sex or other compulsive behaviours that control or limit aspects of day-to-day existence. Trapped in a cycle of anticipation, exhilaration, fear, shame and isolation compulsive behaviours routinely conceal a history of unconscious trauma, which in part explains why clients continue repeating behaviours that are potentially damaging or restricting. Labels are a useful shorthand to explain a construct such as addiction but can limit an individuals development I clarify issues in a way that is non-judgmental and down to earth remaining empathetic and respectful of each client’s condition. Bespoke integrated treatments, include trauma therapy, psycho-education, somatic regulation and EMDR.  I encourage self-monitoring to recognise disordered thoughts and behaviours and emotional regulation techniques to reduce anxiety. Working through underlying traumas and negative core beliefs I explore factors which keep behaviour entrenched and provide strategies to challenge them. A robust relapse prevention plan assists clients in managing cravings, leading to sustained behavioural change; allowing clients reconnect with inner resources, to begin to build on their strengths and let go of behaviours that no longer serve them.


Trauma treatment is arguably the greatest area of development and progress in psychotherapy. Unconscious trauma often underlies compulsive behaviour. Trauma is a response to severely distressing event/s, resulting in an overwhelming amount of stress that exceeds one’s ability to cope, or integrate the emotions involved with that experience. In addiction, complex trauma relates to relational damage and emergent core beliefs grounded in childhood, which impact behaviour and life choices.